Lo showroom Olivetti a New York (‘The Olivetti showroom in New York’)


The book represents the ideal catalogue of the exhibition “Nivola e New York. Dallo showroom Olivetti alla città incredibile” (‘Nivola and New York: From the Olivetti showroom to the incredible city’), set up by the Nivola Museum and inaugurated in April 2022, and includes essays by national and international experts, accompanied by a substantial insert of images, which tell the story of Nivola’s work in the United States, the celebrated Olivetti showroom in New York, and the reception of Italian culture in the United States between the 1950s and 1960s more generally.

Curators: Giuliana Altea and Antonella Camarda
Publisher: Edizioni di Comunità
Language: Italian
Year: 2022
Pages: 208 (insert 16 pages with colour photos)
ISBN: 9788832005936


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